Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dinosaurs, Bad Movies, and More Updates!

On Sunday, which happened to be Fathers' day, I went to a historical/scientific theatrical production called 'Walking with Dinosaurs," produced by the BBC. And even though it was somewhat catered to a younger audience, I enjoyed it very much. Basically, it was 90 minutes of watching huge-huge-huge dinosaur puppets realistically  interact with one another in an arena. It was pretty amazing. The 15 different dinosaur puppets (really an understatement, more like machines) moved and looked pretty gosh darn realistic...you can tell that a lot of attention was paid to the details...you could even see moisture around their eyes, as though they were alive! Several different attack-type scenes were set up and performed according to a kind of historical timeline plot, all the while narrated by a special time-traveling paleontologist named Huxley.
While the dinosaurs were large and great and all that...they thing I probably most enjoyed was the artistic rendering of the various environments the dinosaurs lived in and how they differed throughout the show. There was a point in time when flowers first came into existence, which in the show was represented by the instantaneous blooming of crazy inflatable flowers, which looked positively alien. They were all sort of colors and shapes and were accompanied by large green inflatable shoots and palm trees.  As I was leaving, I couldn't help but look for some kind of souvenir inflatable plant at the merchandising table...but of course there was none.
Afterwards, I left for work (which was quite hectic), and when I got home I found out that my boyfriend had rented Bruno. We watched it. I can't say I didn't like it, because I suppose the content was okay (and the movies I actually really don't like, such as Lake House, are way worse), but there was just something about knowing that some of those situations were real, that was so off-putting.  I just kept wondering how he could stay in character and keep doing what he was doing (poking people doing it at a swingers' party, walking around a city practically naked chained to his gay lover). How? HOW?
Let's just say it was unsettling. If you've seen it, you know.  I won't say I didn't laugh once or twice. It had its moments. Now....Let's move on!
So apart from these two things, my weekend was also filled with creating new listings for Fancy Dress Parade! I added five items on Sunday and another five today, but I still have about seven or eight to go....After that I'm going to start promoting my business to the best of my ability!
I really do love some of the items in my shop and believe with all my heart that they can really make someone out there happy.  It's been such a pleasure shopping and thrifting, trying to find all these great items, without having to worry about sizes! It was really liberating.  I would love to continue to do this for the rest of my life.

Be on the lookout for more updates very soon!

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